"The Dock Restaurant" Ohio River Online Real Estate Auction

"The Dock Restaurant" Ohio River Online Real Estate Auction featured photo 1
"The Dock Restaurant" Ohio River Online Real Estate Auction featured photo 2
"The Dock Restaurant" Ohio River Online Real Estate Auction featured photo 3
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"The Dock Restaurant" Ohio River Online Real Estate Auction featured photo 5
"The Dock Restaurant" Ohio River Online Real Estate Auction featured photo 6
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"The Dock Restaurant" Ohio River Online Real Estate Auction featured photo 8
"The Dock Restaurant" Ohio River Online Real Estate Auction featured photo 9
"The Dock Restaurant" Ohio River Online Real Estate Auction featured photo 10
"The Dock Restaurant" Ohio River Online Real Estate Auction featured photo 11
"The Dock Restaurant" Ohio River Online Real Estate Auction featured photo 12

10/26/2022 6:40 PM


764 Nelson Street Leavenworth, IN 47137


Online Only


A RARE opportunity to own the well-known Dock Bar/Restaurant in Old Leavenworth on the Ohio River! Tract #1: "The Dock Restaurant" business, equipment, and real estate (0.527 AC) with frontage on the Ohio River. Tract #2: vacant lot (0.106 AC) across the street from Tract #1 with Ohio River views!
Inspection/Open House: Fri Oct 21 1-2 PM

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